AAA Woman's Health


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Back Pain and Frozen Shoulder
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Migraines for the past 40 years

I believe having migraines for 40 years gives me some educated findings about what works for me and what doesn't. 
My migraines do not include an Aura.  They are however, always on one side of my head or the other, usually behind one eye.  Sometimes they start out behind both eyes, but will migrate to just one in a short time. I am sensitive to light and noise while they are going on. 
Before the new, easily acquired imitrex, zomig, or many other migraine medicines were around, I resorted to over the counter aspirin, tylenol, excedrin, and in my early years had a little luck with the aspirin and excederin.  But, most of the time, I had to endure the pain until it went away.  Mine would usually last 24 hours and were a lot like birth pains, in that they got progressively worse then gradually went away.  There are people who have them much longer and much worse than I did and do, and I am beside myself thinking of what they must go through.  I have had them last longer than 24 hours, up to 3 or 4 days, but for me that is rare.
2.5 mg. of zomig usually takes care of the pain.  Sometimes, I've had to take several doses over several hours to get it to go away. 


Foods I can eat
Fresh fruits
Fresh veggies
(walmart brand spring water)
cottage cheese
packaged cheese
cream cheese
packaged meat (not frozen dinner meat)
plain ruffles
unsalted nuts (a little salt is ok)
most canned veggies (that don't have soy or lots of salt)
jar spaghetti sauce (no soy)
canned fruits
pasta (whole grain is best)
Mrs. Baird's 100% whole grain bread
Sara Lee Whole grain breads and others
Original Golden Oreos
Cook's Champagne
Coors lite beer
Special K and Grapenuts Cereal
Heinz and Hunts Catsup
Kraft and other Mustards
Blue Bell and many ice creams
full fat yogurt (no splenda or pink stuff)
regular soda (a little diet is tolerated, but not a whole can)
coffee (I use starbucks Breakfast Blend Mild and grind my own beans)
I have had headaches from some pre-ground coffee, and not sure why
corn oil like mazola
butter (make sure it isn't blended with soybean or canola oil)

Foods I can't eat
canned gravy
many soups
many prepackaged foods
many chips
many chip dips
soy milk
some bottled waters
many packaged cakes and cookies
some breads and tortillas
some canned foods
red and white wine ( I drink Cook's champagne)
some bottled waters
tv dinners
Frozen dinners
Frozen prepared meats
Ice Cream with splenda
Yogurt with splenda
most vitamin supplements
lipton onion soup mix
worcestershire sauce
soy sauce
soybean oil
canola oil
most packaged crackers

Medications I Can take
(that don't give me headaches)
Zomig and Imitrex (to alleviate most of my headaches)
Keflex (antibiotic) (for UTI's or bacterial infections)
Over the counter painkiller (but they only help a sore throat or back pain, not a migraine)
Premarin (synthetic estrogen for hormone replacement, got rid of 95% of the headaches! HOWEVER, I had other side effects which made me have to quit them including weakening my ankles and causing me to have eye infections non-stop)
diazepam (for anxiety, but can't take often becuase can cause depression)

Medications I can't take
Cipro (antibiotic)
Bactrim (antibiotic)
Prilosec (Nexium)
Most vitamin supplements
Over the counter Cold medicines (except for painkillers for sore throat)
Hall's throat lozenges and others
Eye drops
any hormone with soy in it  (bioidentical or otherwise)

I think Nature and Nurture contribute to the Migraine.  My maternal grandmother had migraines her whole life.  When the migraines got worse for me, she had already passed away, so that I couldn't question her about them.  My mother and her sister did not have migraines.  My kids, as far as I can tell, do not have migraines, for which I am so very thankful!!
My observations have been that the following contribute to the migraine:
some foods
some vitamins and minerals
some medications (including some hormones)
some alcoholic beverages
some lifestyles
I will go into detail in the next paragraph.
What makes migraines so complex for me is that there are many precursors.  I will think I've figured out all the causes, and then bang, I'll have a headache, so I will try to figure out, "am I stressed?"  "Have I eaten or drunk something I don't usually eat or drink?". You have to watch and think about your every move...But, it has been worth it, because I have come up with many foods that I know don't give me headaches, and so I freely eat those, and stay away from those I know I may get a headache from.  Another thing is that sometimes you can get away with eating a food and sometimes it may be the Amount you eat or it may be that something else you have eaten had counteracted it....It would be nice to know all of the things that come into play, but I haven't figured all of that out.  It could just also mean that you are stressed and that it isn't the food at all.  I'm sure I have eliminated some foods from my list because it seemed as though the food was causing it, but perhaps it was stress.  However, I don't want to chance a headache so I go with the foods with which I haven't had a reaction.
When I'm on vacation and completely relaxed, I can go many days without a headache, which is a big indicator to me that stress is an issue.  I taught school for 16 years, and I remember having to teach through a terrible migraine, many, many days.  I have quit teaching and probably won't return, because I need a job that can be more flexible for headaches.  If I had been smarter earlier, I would not have taught school for so long, and suffered so much in silence.  That is a message I hope many of you hear!!!!!!!!  Do not work and suffer in silence, but try to find a job that is more flexible...I'm fortunate that my husband prefers me at home, but who knows what the future will bring. 
Some foods
I have put a list to the left, showing foods that seem to give me headaches, and have more than once.  I think that I have figured out that MSG will give me a headache, which is in a lot of canned and packaged soups and gravies as well as other packaged foods.  I also seem to have a problem with soy, however it does seem to be amount related.  I can get away with some breads and cookies that have soy if it is way down on the ingredient list, indicating there isn't much in it.
If I drink a soy milk or diet drink with soy as one of the top ingredients I get a terrible headache.  You have to experiment with it to see what you can tolerate. 
I've also taken bioidentical hormones made from soy...and had a splitting headache.  I'm in the process of finding a doctor that can help me with that.
I know that there are probably other ingredients that give me headaches, but I haven't figured them out yet.  It takes a long time!! 
Some vitamins and minerals
I have been having luck eating certain fortified cereals to get some of the vitamins I need.  I try to stay away from those with soy.  I can eat Special K and grapenuts.  I believe grapenuts has a little soy, but I can eat it. 
Lately, I can't seem to take any vitamin and mineral supplements in pill or capsule form.  It may be just certain vitamins and minerals that cause it...but even if I take some that don't have a lot combined, I still seem to get a headache, and I do try to stay away from added ingredient pills.  therefore, it's easier for me to just stick with the cereal.
I've listed the medications at the left that I can tolerate.  If you find that you are getting headaches from medications you have to take, ask your doctor for a different brand of the same medicine, if there is one.  It took me awhile to find an antibiotic that I can take without headaches or dizziness.  (Keflex)
Hormones can also give me headaches.  It seems to be those associated with some of the bioidentical.  One key thing that I have to mention, is that when I was taking premarin for about a year, most of my headaches disappeared!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  There must be some link between my estrogen levels and my headaches......BUT, it isn't the only link.(I know that this has already been proven in some studies)   Also, while I was pregnant, I had very few headaches, which would also indicate estrogen or hormone levels to be a very definite key. UNFORTUNATELY, the premarin brought on many other side effects which were deal breakers, so I cannot take premarin.  Breaks my heart, because it was the longest I've gone feeling that good.  So, I'm in the process of getting some bioidentical hormones that do not have soy.  I will let you know how that goes. 
Some alcoholic beverages
Almost consistently, even if I drink just 4 oz., I will get a headache with most wines.  (red and white)... However, I have found that I can drink Cook's chamagne without getting a headache.  I'm afraid to try very many others.  When I find something that works, I usually stop....You will have to find your own..
If I drink a whole lot of anything, of course, a headache will probably occur, and I just don't do that!
Some Lifestyles
This goes back to stress.  If you are living a high energy life, with little time for relaxation and are predisposed to migraines, you will probably have a bunch!  Try to change that lifestyle.  It will be worth it. 
Like I spoke of before, you may come from a line of migraineurs.  If so, you just need to find the foods and medications you can tolerate and find a good migraine medicine to fall back on that works for you. Also, if you can tolerate bioidentical hormones, you might try that.  Try to find a board certified doctor that will test your hormone levels.  I live in the DFW, Texas area, and will be glad to tell you who I'm going to go to in June, if you will write to me. 

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