Songs and Poems about Dizziness
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"OH MY VERTIGO" by K. Kuspa
(sung to the tune of "Oh Suzannah"...)
1. Oh, I spun so hard,
the other night I thought I was a top I laid my head and tried to rest, But it just would not stop! --- 2. Oh,
the doctor said it was my ear, The next said it was stress Another gave me happy pills He said I was depressed.
------------- [CHORUS]
my vertigo! *What have you done to me! *I have left the land of sanity *And am spinning endlessly! ----------- 3. The
fourth said my neck was messed up The vertebrae were skewed So I went into traction Just to please this fancy dude! ----------- 4. Another
doctor saw me She said it was migraine and then she plainly told me not to come back again! -------------
------------ 5. Another said I'd had a stroke, Another said, "AMEN!" The eighth, she said, "A
PLF!" The ninth, he said "MM!"
-------------- 6. My HMO is sick of me, but "they'll do what they can;" But
then, I heard--it was a joke! I was not in their plan! ---------- [CHORUS] ---------- K.
Kuspa, c.1997
Poems about Tinnitus
By Gerald B. Frank
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Tinnitus O
The bells are ringing in my ears As theyve been ringing all these years, And as I listen to their peel, I wonder
if theyre really real? The bells are ringing in my ears - Unreally real for all these years!
Tinnitus C
This morning I can hear the roar Of whistles deep inside my craw, The hiss of steam is most insistent, I hope
today Ill prove resistant To its constant noisome noise Lest it dampen this days joys. If I live a wholesome day, Will
the ringing go away? Ha! As I rise to write this poem, The hissing stops - leaves me alone! Ill live this day as
best I can, Until the hissing starts again.
Tinnitus A
The hissing in my ear goes on Like an operatic song, One by Verdi, not Bellini, Led by Solti, not, Guilini, Sung
and played in monotone On my ear-drum gramophone!
Tinnitus X
As I lie here on the floor To exercise my back once more, I just relax - sometimes I dose (As he whos done it
surely knows!) - The quiet and the silence reign Except I hear that hiss again, The constant hiss of Tinnitus; Now,
tell me why he makes a fuss - He comes with me where eer I go, Summer, winter, sun or snow; I keep him warm inside
my head, He reads with me each book Ive read, He shares my meals, my kids, my walks, My jokes, my triumphs and my
talks! So why, I wonder, does he mess With my quiet happiness?
Tinnitus Z
The constant hiss of Tinnitus is growing more and more, Its getting louder worries me - I wonder whats in store? I
wake and hear my Tinnitus, the hissing in my ears, I walk and hear that Tinnitus exacerbating fears! Please, tell
me what is Tinnitus, and tell me, please, why me? And tell me what I have to do to be of Tinnitus free?
Tinnitus ZC
Hissing, hissing in my ears Makes me feel so very queer, Makes me wonder will I be Losing soon my sanity, Makes
me wonder what comes next - Who implanted this mean hex? Yet, when I think of other things My Tinnitus in silence
Tinnitus ZF
Tinnitus, Tinnitus in my ear -
I hope you'll soon, yes, disappear,
You've got my brain so nicely curled
I've got to get you from my world!
GF:22 Nov 98
Copyright (c) Gerald B. Frank, 1997-98
Paintings of Elizabeth Coyne
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These paintings, which incorporate images of the inner ear, were done by Elizabeth Coyne of Niles Michigan.

Invisible Day (Eliabeth Coyne, Artist). Oil on Canvas.
Place I Used To Be (Elizabeth Coyne, Artist). Oil on Linen

Separate Life (Elizabeth Coyne, Artist) Oil on Canvas.
Copyright (c) Timothy C. Hain, 1998-2003